Super simple songs Do you like…

Unfortunately, I cannot comment on videos ”Made for Kids” on YouTube. Comments are disabled for Youtube Kids videos. Google and YouTube had nothing to do with it. YouTube is just complying with COPPA.
I will give my response here then.

I might make a copy of this post on

That song is a JOKE!

Popcorn pizza isn’t as bad as the others. Pickle pudding is probably the worst.

Anything missing?

Do You Like Bologna? What’s Baloney? It’s a sausage. Yes I do! Yes I do!

The first question would be sung, but the second question and the answer after it would be spoken. These would be back and forth between two characters. The two exclamations after that would be sung.


Do you like turtle? Yes I do! Yes I do! Do you like caterpillar? No I don’t! No I don’t! Do you like turtlepillar? What?!
The last two questions would be spoken, of which the latter would have been asked by the kid who’s asked if they like something. I don’t hear any spoken questions like “what is…” in the YouTube videos.

Turtlepillar? A Reddit user named Questionworld may have inspired, but he deleted the account, according to

Not that that turtle, turtlepillar, or caterpillar should be in a super simple song. Bologna/baloney and the ”what is” question on the other hand…

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